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Closet Revamp!

Writer: Mackenzie KathleenMackenzie Kathleen

When deciding to get back to blogging I thought about writing where I have been and why I haven't been writing as my "back at it" post. But my friend Christina wrote ages ago about just writing. She said you don't have to explain, or make up for lost time. Just start again!

For the past couple weeks I have been shifting things around at home! Feels good y'all!! It all started with a shag carpet I have been married to since we moved into this house 5+ years ago! Costco cream shag... know the one?! Well we loved that thing. HARDDDDD. We slept on it, we ate on it (TMI?!), and I remember the very moment I decided she needed to go. During the nesting stage before baby came! So off to the cleaners the Costco carpet went. I started looking for something new. Something flat, with an abstract design so you couldn't see as much traffic. What does this have to do with my closet?! About 1 year ago (?) I converted our smaller guest bedroom into my walk in closet. A couple of my girlfriends have done this (sweet little Melissa) and so many people I follow on social and I thought, hey why not! Our shared closet was always a mess and seeing inspo made me think I could make it nice! So, 4 ikea racks later my dressing room was born. I didn't put much thought into the layout of this room. At first I just wanted it out of our master bedroom and knew I had one sloped wall to work around, an heirloom desk, my Nana's chair and a heaping pile of clothes. And I used it all shoved in there like that until about a week ago! I realized my closet now fit everything (and even had room for more :o) but was not functional. I had one rack behind the door, a floor length mirror still in the packaging (for a year people!), a plastic drawer unit with clothes stashed away. It was just like my old closet, heaped with stufffffffffff. Somewhere early January I remember saying to my bestie Hannah "this year I am going to buy quality. stuff. only" (some new years resolutions - amirite?!). "Like I am not going to buy cheap stuff that isn't well made and just lasts longer and you can wear multiple ways". And we were like "yeah, yeah good let's do it". But we also were like "ya can't beat those old navy prices though caaaaaan yaaaaaa?!?". As we were making the rules, we were breaking the rules. But I DEFINITELY (that is my hardest word to spell, ever) have made a conscious effort to think before I buy. I still have a hard time saying no, and letting go... because what if I need that outfit that's perfect for a sailboat ride that is so hot, but also frigid, during mardi gras, and hats are mandatory?! I used to always catch myself buying these ridiculous things just in case. Now that I am admitting that to you, you may have to call me on it! It helps if you have an adorable baby sister who lovingly takes your hand-me-downs!! So now, I realized my new carpet that I thought checked all my boxes is in fact not meant for high traffic (loopy little loops pull out), not ideal for my baby when on tummy time, and not that comfy - is this too much to ask of a carpet?! Lucky for me my mother in law Kaari was looking to rehome hers, and I snatched it up! I then had 3 carpets in the same room after having only one carpet for six years. Ask my husband what he thinks of me! But that's not all. This carpet did not rest here either. So one day I am thinking to myself, well my closet would be nicer for Sweet P if I had a carpet. She could lay in there when shes not in the bjorn while I put away laundry and get ready. And so the ultimate carpet swap took place. 3 carpets, 1 set of stairs, 3 rooms. You still reading? My project 62 indoor/ outdoor rug that we got at target last summer for SIXTY DOLLARS (kaari got one too!!) had been in our bedroom. Completely not reaching its potential. The very pretty loopy farmhouse X style carpet was in a folded up heap beside my dining table for a week or so, and Kaari's stylish cozy patterned twill rug was in the living room. Not one carpet stayed. My project 62 indoor/outdoor rug is the dream of all dreams in my living room now. It looks clean in there when it sure is not because its plain and wipeable!?! Genius. Kaari's cozy twill rug is in my closet and now is perfect to lighten the room and P can play around on it!! And my farmhouse rug is in our masterbedroom. At one point I had one carpet rolled up under one arm and my baby rolled up under the other like I was in some type of tough mudder going up the stairs. The "race" was finishing before Jake got home. He would not discourage this activity but I do have a real liking for the "ta daaaaaaaaaa" moment. Just ask him! SO. My tips for revamping your closet include 3 carpets, a baby, noo noo. I'm kidding. 1. functional storage - available at ikea! You can attach these racks to the wall for a more permanent solution.

2. proper layout - no furniture behind a door that won't open or shoving clothes in a drawer you can't use. My bossy tone is to myself. Be stern!

3. you will need a mirror, (out of the packaging - mine now hangs on my door I should have done this the day I brought it home!)

4. time - this project will take you dayssssss if you do it properly. We all have some extra time at home so go ahead and be good. Go through everything, donate items you do not wear. Put similar items together (colour, style, season - i.e. grey, sweater, fall/winter). Again, pro tip from my fashionista friend Melissa. Put the items you wear most in the most accessible spot. Move things around each day until you get it right. I am not perfect my antique dresser is home to all my sports t shirts and clothes I cannot get rid of and will likely not wear but I have kept since our high school dodge-ball tournament and so why lose them nowwwwww LOL.

5. Proper "tools?" I use this room to do my hair and makeup too so I have a powerbar that holds my apple watch, straightener, wand, my agenda, computer all the stuff has a spot! Double win because now your bathroom that used to look like a hair salon is actually inviting!! I wanted to hang my hats cause I loveeeeee hats so I bought some command clips and now it's all cute and organized!! Also, this room is fun because I have a spot to put my "press for champagne" watercolour print by Kaitlin Hargreaves as part of the Jilly Box. I wish it was a button. Ta taaaa for now ladies & gents thanks for popping by! If you wonder where anything is from drop me a line below! xoxo


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